General design
This WordPress blog theme is like a newspaper put on a table. The background of the table looks like it's made from stone. The magazine background contains the post, footer, header, and sidebar while only the Title and logo lie in the table. In this design, the author uses both straight lines and curved lines so that the appearance can be that flexible and harmonic. As a mean of decoration, the dashed lines appear to create a sense of creativity and cuteness. In general, I see Chooko Lite as a lovely place giving the users comfort and relax through its design.
The dashed lines
Other elements
This WordPress blog theme has a color scheme for a playful and girly WordPress theme. Pink is surely the color representing the feminine. The pink elements embellish the appearance of Chooko Lite and make it so sweet and warm. Besides, the white background of the magazine and the black and light brown texts are good choices to make the theme readable.
Throughout the theme, the author uses PT sans with a small size. From my viewpoint, it may be hard to read in a lengthy post with this kind of font.
You can see that the icons symbolize the date, comment, and other information in each post. These icons make this WordPress blog theme more adorable.
The icons
The header is simple and clean. The most prominent part here is the large header image. But I'm afraid that design is too plain and leaves no impression on the reader.
The header
On the other hand, the footer and sidebar are straightforward and tidy but still prominent. The sidebar embeds on the right side of every page. There is no sticky sidebar and The footer is laid on a brown background to be distinctive from the body.
The footer
The archived page displays all post in a list structure. Especially, the latest post is shown in a different and attractive way: it's bordered by the dashed line. And on the single post page, the featured image stays humbly next to the sidebar. Overall, every factor in this page is arranged neatly and airily.
Single post page
When using this theme in different devices like PC, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, the design is still okay. I see no mistake in the design at all. The responsive design can be checked by
Responsive design checked by