Galway Lite Screenshot
Galway Lite Screenshot

Galway Lite, a theme from Themeinwp, lies among one of the most creative and robust WordPress blog themes. Users can make use of its flexible design for any kind of blog but it's most ideal for a creative blog of the young.

You will be impressed with the dynamic and bold style of Galway Lite as well as the interesting features like Featured Slider, Slider Gallery, and Social Linking. Moreover, it's compatible with one-click demo import, a premium feature to help you rapidly have a perfect look like the demo.

The Verdict

This youthful and creative designed WordPress blog theme is the best choice for dynamic users. Especially, for those who don't want to spend so much time on customizing and setting up as it's user-friendly and ready to use. Furthermore, a lot of extraordinary features and widgets can extremely benefit users.

On the other hand, Galway hasn't been optimized well for SEO yet. The documentation isn't available at the moment. Therefore, that will subtract my point for this theme.