General Design
This free portfolio theme has a minimalistic style and pure, clean, and modern design. Especially, no matter how different your images are, that can scale to fit with beautiful gallery and portfolio of Perfect Portfolio. Such a perfect portfolio!
Other Elements
The header is pretty simple and leaves as much blank space for the About section under it as possible. Thereby, users are able to seize people's attention to their personal image and gain the spotlight for their biography.
Review the first screen area
Then, I'll review the most important elements: the portfolio section. It's a grid-based gallery that is arranged neatly and tightly. That makes it become solid and concise. Especially, when you click the category button, the corresponding photos will be displayed. I think that is a wise feature as it allows people to view photos conveniently as quickly. Besides, the overlay when hovering a mouse is a good idea to show brief information only when needed, while still keep the gallery clear and prominent.
You can switch the portfolio category easily
This portfolio can display images beautifully regardless of image size and ratio aspect. Only when your images' height is by far smaller than the default size, will the portfolio switch to the masonry layout like this:
Portfolio with smaller-height image
The archive page has a simple header so I think you will leave it to read the post immediately. It also has a masonry layout, yet this time, more space between posts added, giving more freedom and air.
Archive page with masonry style
In addition to the masonry layout, there are two styles, which are both beautiful and extensive. Here is the grid layout. I find that it looks not really different.
Archive page with grid style
This style makes your first post more overwhelming so you can take this advantage to showcase your featured post.
Archive page with one big featured post
Finally, the single post page is really readable with big texts and wide space between elements. You can even switch to the larger featured image in order to make this page more amazing.
Another single post style with large featured image
Especially, the sidebar can appear here on the left, right, or can disappear. The sidebar also looks simple and spacious following the general style of this theme.
Perfect Portfolio looks fine on PC, laptop, smartphone, ... or any screen size without any mistake.
Review the responsive design